Saturday, March 8, 2014

Zooma Photo a Day: Week 1 Recap

Zooma has started a photo contest for March. I've tried these kinds of "photo a day" things before and usually stop caring around Day 10. However, Zooma stepped theirs up a notch, and they are giving shoes away! There's nothing a runner won't do for free shoes, so I'm going to try and win!
Here's the master list. Some are easier than others, but I've made it my goal to be creative with all the shots.
Happiness is a warm run (see what I did there?). I thought I was clever. But really 46 doesn't sound that warm but it was perfect once I started moving.
Outdoors. My favorite type of outdoors is the beach, and I can't wait to be back in my beloved Outer Banks this summer. (Note: running on the beach is not my favorite. Been there, done that, not a fan)
Fuel. Fruit is probably my favorite thing to eat. I have a big sweet tooth, and if I'm going to eat sweet things, at least fruit is healthy! Plus, it makes me happy. 

Art. These are not mine, but I LOVE them. Fan art and concept art for the movie Frozen is something I have found myself looking at a lot recently. These are from  here.
Feet. I wish I could have said I put my feet in running shoes that morning and went for a run. but I did not. At least I'm honest about it, right?
Your view today. I took a nice freezing cold walk around Lynchburg College's campus with some friends and snapped this shot of their grounds.
Red: It was only fitting that Zach and I went to see 300: Rise of an Empire on the red day. It was pretty good and VERY red and gory.

That's all until next week, keep up with my through live updates on Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. I am really loving the zooma photo challenge.... probably because I stink at taking a variety of pictures on a regular basis ;)
