Monday, June 8, 2015

Race 13.1 Raleigh

This weekend I ran Race 13.1's event in Raleigh!

Friday afternoon, I got off work and started the supposed 2.5 hour drive to Raleigh. It took me closer to 3.5 (thanks rush hour) but it's okay because a good majority of my drive had views like this:

Nothing but blue skies and sunshine made a fantastic drive!
I eventually made it to packet pickup, but not without a little bit of panic driving in city traffic. I'm not used to four lane roads in the middle of the city! Packet pickup was at a shopping center (totally not what I was expecting!) and after a bit of confusion parking in a parking garage, I made it to Omega Sports where pickup was held.

Pickup went very smoothly, I was so impressed at how organized it was! The "packet" was really just my bib and shirt. I don't have a picture of the shirt (and to be honest I'm too lazy to go downstairs and take a picture of it) but it matches the medal (further down the post) and is probably one of my top favorite shirts! It's a nice color, has a big bold design, and actually FITS! Most race shirts look baggy on me, but this one definitely ran true to size, so props to Race 13.1 for getting top-quality shirts!

After navigating myself out of the confusing shopping center, I went to where I was going to be spending the night- with our friends Josh and Meredith. The 3 of us went out to dinner, ate some amazing meatballs at Oak City Meatball Shop (If you're ever in Raleigh, I recommend it. The spicy pork meatballs were the BOMB) and then toured an art gallery.

When we got back to their apartment I laid out my "Flat Runner" for Instagram:

The debut of my "I am not fast" Baymax tank!

Okay truth is I took a picture and then slept in it. It's what I do before every race, and I'm not really sure why. But I can't stop now!

I'm still not used to the time change, so when I woke up Saturday and it was light out, I was convinced I had overslept. I immediately jumped up, ran to my phone and saw... I had 2 minutes left before my alarm went off! Phew!

I got my few things I was taking with me together, ate a Larabar for breakfast, and headed out to the start line. Conveniently, it started at the same shopping center where packet pickup was. Parking was a breeze, since we were there before the stores opened and got to use the parking deck.

I wandered around runner's village, stretched a little, got a few compliments on my outfit, and then it was time to start!

When we took off, I was amazed at how good I felt! The last 3 weeks I've only run once or twice a week, as I've been trying to get a good foundation of strength training in before I get into hardcore marathon training. It made a world of difference! I ran the first 6 miles at an easy, very consistent pace. The course was the definition of rolling hills, but even those didn't seem to make my legs as tired as normal.

At the first turnaround, I did stop to walk so I could eat another Larabar. Normally I count on on-course food for fuel, and bring something solid for backup (sometimes Gu makes me nauseous). Well, I must have missed the memo that there was no Gu at this race, I was SO glad I brought something to eat.

Around the halfway mark, things really got hot and I started to struggle from it. I managed to finish in an okay time by alternating running and walking. I was so mad at myself because I had started off so well! 

My biggest issue with this race is that I wish it had started an hour earlier. Most people would have been done before the heat settled in. I was on pace to PR, but the heat held me back. I guess I can't be too disappointed, June races tend to be hot!

My favorite part of the race was the on course entertainment! There was a variety of drumming groups, which was a welcome change from the bands or radio stations most races have.

Photo from Triangle Taiko on Facebook

Despite the heat and the little bit of disappointment, I finished!

Not to mention, I got to add this beauty to the collection:

Overall, the race had nothing super special that stood out to me. Would I do it again? Probably. They have another one in the Fall and it's already on my radar. It was a well organized, smooth running event (with great bling!) and I thoroughly enjoyed the day!