Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Break Road to Shamrock

The big week is here! This weekend is the Dolphin Challenge and I'm both excited and nervous!

The last couple of weeks I have been feeling off. I would come back from a run more frustrated than when I left, and one run even ended in a hormonal rage of tears (that was not my most proud moment). However, that has changed this week.

Since it is Spring Break and I don't have class, I have been able to get up and go run in the morning. Of course Daylight Savings and warmer weather have helped with that, too.

Yesterday, I had the best run in probably the last month. I only went 3 miles, since I'm trying not to overdo it this week, but I set a new PR for my fastest mile. I seriously had a runner's high all day after that! It was just the confidence boost I needed to know I'll be okay this weekend.
Yesterday left my calves really sore, but I'm okay with that. I did another 4 today with a little more walking than I would have liked due to the sore calves. 

I also started packing for Shamrock. I basically pulled everything green out of my running wardrobe (and my Monsters Inc tank) and threw it in a bag to take.
I do have 2 days of green to prepare for! 

I'm excited for Shamrock for a lot of reasons. One of them is the elevation profile. Here in Lynchburg most of our races have an elevation profile like this:
Virginia Ten Miler Elevation Profile

However, Virginia Beach has races like this:
Shamrock 8K Elevation Profile
I'm not even sure I'm going to know how to handle that! One thing is for sure, I should be able to run more than I would if it was here!

I'm getting really excited and can't wait to blog about my experience this weekend!


  1. If you are used to elevation like that, you are going to love Shamrock! I wish I had your confidence...I've been off the last month too with no improvement, so now I'm more nervous than excited. It sounds like you are going to do great! Good luck!

    1. The elevation is one of the things keeping me confident! I'm not a fast runner, but everyone is fast when it's flat, right? ;)
