Saturday, September 6, 2014

Goal Setting

For those of you who remember my blog posts about running class last semester, I'm back and at it again. I'm training for Richmond with one of the greatest Ultrarunners out there, David Horton.

You can Google him and all sorts of cool stuff comes up. He's done too much for me to list, but he did set the record for running the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail. He may not be able to run now (due to an injured knee he just got replaces), but he's super awesome and trains us all on a bike.

For class each semester, we have to set 3 goals. He does this to push us to see what we can accomplish.

  1. What we hope to accomplish this semester.
  2. What we hope to accomplish within the next 365 days.
  3. What we hope to accomplish within our lifetime.
The goals can be anything, but have to relate to running. (And they have to be good enough. He'll make fun of you if your goal is to do a Color Run).

I've decided to share my goals, and put them out there to be accountable.

  1. I want to finish the Richmond Marathon in under 5 hours. I'm not a super fast runner, and 5 hours may be asking a lot for such a hilly course. 
  2. I want to run both the Holiday Lake 50K and Promise Land 50K in the Spring. Holiday Lake is considered a good beginner Ultra, but Promise Land is brutal. My reasoning is if I can finish 26 miles in November, 30+ should be no problem in February and April.
  3. At some point in time, I want to finish the entire Lynchburg Ultra Series. It consists of the Holiday Lake 50K in February, Terrapin Mountain 50K in March, Promise Land 50K in April, and the Mountain Masochist 50 Miler in November.
I may be crazy to attempt all of these, but that's never stopped me before. 

Now, to go out and work for it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Let's Talk About Locklaces

When I first started running, my toes kept going numb. Also, my shoes came untied all the time.The solution to both of these problems? Lock Laces!

What are Lock Laces? They're easy to use, stretchy laces that never come untied! They also keep your shoes on without keeping them too tight, which stops toes from going numb.

The people over at Lock Laces were nice enough to send me a few pairs for free if I blogged about them. I fully believe that every runner should invest in a pair as soon as they get new shoes. There isn't much to review other than the fact that they work, and I love the huge variety of colors that makes it easy to coordinate with your shoes. (Because we all know that is important!)

Since getting my first pair of laces, I haven't had a single problem with my shoes coming untied, falling off, coming "unlocked" or any problems at all.