Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Motivation

Training in winter is both the best and the worst.

It's the best because it's not 95* with 100% humidity.

It's the worst because of pretty much everything else. It gets dark at 5 p.m. The precipitation is cold (Summer rain is amazing to run in. Winter rain, not so much. Snow is bearable.) Figuring out the appropriate layering combination is a skill that takes weeks to figure out, and by the time you finally get the hang of it, it starts to get warm again.

I decided I needed an extra motivation push to get through what is sure to be a cold run tonight, considering it's noon and only 33* outside.

This week's motivation is:
Yeah it's cold and gross and going home and curling up with a book sounds a lot better than running at night in the freezing cold. But I have an ultra in 33 days to conquer. I've got this.

Edit later: Of course there's also the treadmill when you have unexpected things come up and won't be able to get your run in until late. One way or another some miles are calling my name tonight!

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