Monday, April 14, 2014

The End of Semester Sprint

This part of the semester is like the last few miles in a race. I'm tired, there's a lot of stuff ahead of me, and quite frankly I want to stop.

I have projects up to my ears (both in and out of school), I have my job, and I'm getting married in 38 days. Its taking more effort than it should to get out of bed in the morning.

However, I'm not unhappy. There's plenty of fun in there including my upcoming volunteer weekend at the Promise Land 50K (more on that later in a future post).

I just don't want to do anything school related. I feel as if my school projects and open book tests aren't going to amount to anything in the real world.

This pretty much boils down to one thing: with two weeks left in my Junior year, I have Senioritis, and I have it bad.

I'm treating the last two and a half weeks of this semester as I would a race. I just have to grit my teeth and get through it, and I'll be able to enjoy the party at the finish line.

(I wonder if that party will have free food...)

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