Monday, February 24, 2014

Why I Run

All through elementary and high school I was that kid who avoided running. I had so many allergies it was unreal, and they gave me asthma so I wasn't allowed outside for gym class. I was okay with that. I was not an athlete, I was the creative type. I spent my gym classes reading books.

Then, in December 2012, something changed. I felt like I had no control over my life. I had a major in school that I hated, none of my friends were going to be at school for Spring semester, and I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. 

So I picked up running.

At first it was a flirtatious relationship. I signed up for a 2 miler and struggled through that. I liked how I felt after and made the resolution to run a race every month in 2013. I trained (not as hard as I should and could have) and I finished my goal and even completed a half marathon.

Then things got a little crazy. I signed up for a running class with David Horton and fell head over heels in love with running. I wish I had started in high school because I feel like I missed out on a few extra years with my best friend. The only thing that I love more than running is my fiance. 

Running has given me a lot of things. All my life I've been the short awkward person, but running makes me feel tall and graceful. I can't dance to save my life, but I can run. It's become my crutch when I'm stressed, and after a good run I usually feel 100% better. I've learned that I can push myself beyond what I ever thought possible. If I see someone running outside while I'm in class I'm jealous that I can't get out there. I'm at the point where I don't even need to be training for a race, just running makes me happy. 

I'm not at the point where I can run every day, due to a hectic life and schedule. On days that I don't get to run, I miss it. I'm so thankful for the class I'm in this semester because it makes me run. 

As I type this, I'm very sore from over exerting myself over the last 2 days. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Soreness means you did something right and worked muscles you don't normally work. 

I like it. 

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